3 Common Misconceptions About Firewalls

A firewall provides a level of protection against cyber mischief that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Firewalls look at information coming into your network and help to filter out suspicious packets that could wreak havoc on your business.

Regular updates to your firewall are necessary to minimize risk to your organization. However, it is commonly overlooked in small and medium sized businesses.

Why is this the case? It’s simple.  Business leaders lack the time and knowledge of how to maintain it.

This doesn’t have to be the case for your small business. Let’s explore some common misconceptions about firewalls.  

My ISP gave me a firewall when I ordered internet.

When you call an internet service provider (ISP) to install internet at your home or business, the organization provides you with a modem that will allow your devices to connect to the internet.


The device they provide serves a multitude of purposes and executes those at a level just above mediocrity.  Most of them are not designed to support a lot of devices on your network – and it seems we’re constantly adding new things around us. 


Additionally, ISP’s do not update these devices with consistency and new threats are constantly emerging against these devices that could open up your network to mischief.


Because of this, it is best to have a separate device that is dedicated to watching for threats that is regularly maintained. By having these devices separate, you’ll have to reboot it less often and your network will run smoother.

I don’t know how to find a good firewall.

This is a fair enough response.  You started your business to do what you love, not spend all day trying to understand a new industry. 


There are lots of good articles about what you should look for in a firewall.  If you get overwhelmed, reach out for help.  Your local IT team or managed services provider will be glad to help you manage this so that you can focus on doing what you love.


Technology shouldn’t be a hinderance to your business.  It should be an aid, and it should just work!

All of our programs are online. I don’t need a firewall.

Unfortunately, going without a firewall leaves your local devices at risk and therefore puts your cloud-based data at risk.  When cybercriminals have access to stored information on your local devices (such as passwords), gaining access to your business data is a snap.

Want more information?

Cybersecurity doesn’t have to be a burden.  You can keep your devices safe and run your business successfully.  IT Enabled is a managed service provider.  We help organizations across the country use technology to drive efficiency, enhance capabilities, minimize risk, and grow their business. We’re here to help and we make it easy to contact us  call or text 936-225-3329.  Our business is keeping you focused on your business.